A 100% guaranteed path to Resolution of conflict series. Part-4

Anand Damani
7 min readMay 21, 2024


The resolution process begins with understanding the concept “CONFLICT”. In this article we will understand the origin, the myth the reality and the various angles of understanding conflict.

We have understood of a pre human settlement world of no conflict in the earlier 3 articles. So conflict is emerging on this planet and the process of humanity living in order and harmony is beginning with the manifestation of conflict.We move forward to the current situation and understanding of conflict. Then we will work backwards to how it all started. We begin with the story of the word.

Science as we know is the study of reality . To understand “CONFLICT” we will look at the complete 360 degree view of the concept of conflict. Please visualise the existential reality and not focus on the word or the meaning of conflict.

Origin of the word conflict and different connotations of conflict.

The Root of Conflict: Striking Together

The English word “conflict” carries the idea of a clash or disagreement. Unsurprisingly, this meaning stems from its origin — the Latin verb “confligere” which means “to strike together.” Here’s a breakdown:

  • Latin: “confligere” (to strike together)
  • Formed by combining “com-” (with, together) and “fligere” (to strike) — the root of “afflict” in English.
  • Latin (past participle): “conflictus” (having struck together)
  • This past participle became the noun form meaning “a striking together,” later evolving into “a fight” or “conflict.”

English adopted “conflict” in the 15th century, initially referring to physical battles. Over time, the meaning broadened to encompass any kind of opposition or disagreement.

Echoes of Conflict in Other Languages

The Latin influence extends to many European languages:

  • French: “conflit”
  • Spanish: “conflicto”
  • Italian: “conflitto”

These languages share a similar root and meaning to the English word.

Looking beyond Europe, we can find words with distinct origins but related meanings:

  • German: “Konflikt” — derived from the Latin, similar to English.
  • Hindi: “संघर्ष” (saṅgharṣa) — meaning “friction” or “rubbing together,” conveying the idea of opposing forces.
  • Mandarin Chinese: “冲突” (chōngtū) — literally translates to “rush through,” suggesting a forceful collision.
  • Arabic: “صِرَاع” (ṣirāʿ) — meaning “struggle” or “contention.”

Even with different etymologies, these words capture the essence of conflict — the coming together of opposing forces.

In Nature we have harmony and no opposing forces but complementary forces which results in emergence of new manifestations. This is the process of evolution where in a substance that burns and an element that helps combustion creates something that douses combustion. Existentially all forces coexist and under favorable conditions manifest improved versions showing characteristics that bring diversity .

There’s a beautiful perspective in your view of nature! It’s true that nature often showcases a dance of complementary forces, not necessarily opposing ones. Here’s how we can refine your interesting idea:

Nature’s Harmony: A Dance, Not a Duel

  • Opposing vs. Complementary: While there are certainly forces in nature that counteract each other (predator-prey, hot-cold), it’s more accurate to say they often complement each other. Predators keep prey populations in check, and hot and cold are crucial for weather patterns and life cycles.
  • Emergent Complexity: You’re right! When these forces interact, they can lead to the emergence of new and more complex phenomena. Water, for example, is a product of the interaction of hydrogen and oxygen, but its properties are far more intricate than those of its individual components.
  • Evolution’s Engine: This dance of forces fuels evolution. In your example, a flammable substance and an oxidizing agent (the element aiding combustion) can combine to form water, which extinguishes flames. This interplay of properties pushes for adaptations and creates new possibilities.
  • Diversity Through Coexistence: Different forces existing together create the rich tapestry of life. From the competition between plant life for sunlight to the symbiotic relationships between bacteria and animals, diversity arises from this intricate dance.

A Note on “Improved Versions”

Evolution doesn’t necessarily create “improved” versions; it leads to adaptations that better suit the environment. A bat’s wings are an amazing adaptation for flight, but they wouldn’t be helpful for a cheetah. It’s about survival and reproduction in a given environment.

Overall, your perspective highlights a beautiful aspect of nature — the interconnectedness of forces leading to a constantly evolving and diverse world.

Human beings have so far understood portions of this grand showcase and with their limited vision seen conflict while in reality it was a harmonious coexistence of diversity.

You’re absolutely right! Human perception often focuses on conflict, but that’s just one piece of the puzzle. Here’s how we can expand on this idea:

Beyond Conflict: A Broader View of Nature’s Tapestry

  • Limited Vision: Our brains are wired to detect threats and patterns. This can lead us to overemphasize conflict and competition in nature, overlooking the intricate web of cooperation and interdependence.
  • Harmony in Diversity: You’re right! Nature is a magnificent display of diverse elements coexisting in a remarkable balance. From predator-prey dynamics that maintain ecological balance to symbiotic relationships where organisms thrive together, nature showcases cooperation alongside competition.
  • Shifting the Lens: By studying ecosystems, we can appreciate nature’s interconnectedness. Bees pollinating flowers ensure plant reproduction, while those plants provide nectar for the bees. This kind of mutualistic relationship exemplifies the harmony that exists alongside competition.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Conflict Can Be Constructive: While some conflicts in nature can be destructive, they can also be a driving force for evolution. Competition for resources can push species to adapt and diversify, leading to a richer ecosystem.
  • Human Impact: It’s important to acknowledge that human activities can disrupt the delicate balance in nature. By understanding the interconnectedness you describe, we can work towards more sustainable practices that promote harmony within ecosystems.

By recognizing both the conflict and the cooperation in nature, we gain a more holistic understanding of the grand showcase you describe. This perspective can inspire us to foster a more balanced relationship with the natural world.

Current status and understanding of conflict

Science is what helps us understand things. Let us look at the conflict from the lens of science. Sciences are broadly classified as hard sciences about all physical stuff and soft sciences studying the sentient stuff.

Hard sciences study reality in existence . Existence is the state of being and the state of agitation. So far all sciences have studied agitation. The process of just being where there is no change is not being studied by science. That is the new finding as being contemplated as Unified force theory. That is the modern version of the famous string theory. Being is simple and in harmony. Agitation is the effect of force and its impact. The impact is nullified over time. Everthing moves into being again. This is an unending process that keeps repeating.

Homo Sapiens classified as human beings is a species that is still being studied. This study is not complete. His doing are studied as soft sciences and his being is studied as biological, neurological and genetic sciences. The coexistence of both is the new paradigm shift that the unified force thoery bring in. I am bringing into this study of understanding Conflict. Resolution will follow the diagnosis.

Reality is just in being and that is always in harmony.

Agitation is the change, the conflict and that is the subject of study in this article.

The hard sciences as we have discussed in the initial 3 parts now conclude that in the world there was no conflict till humanity settled down into permanent settlements. The cause for emergence of conflict originates from the human settelment.

All causes are initiated by some force and that creates agitation . The agitation works towards being nullified and dissipates in the form of changes in the status quo. The new status quo that is established in the cosmos then continues to be. Every element is complete and coexists on its own. It is in order itself and in harmony with the bigger order or system.

In Human beings the agitation requires to be understood in manifold ways. Primarily it is two fold . Internal and external then are manifesting in various forms and manifold ways.

Internal agitation is a state when not being aligned in thought, speech and action. The missing alignment creates internal strife and makes the human being uncomfortable.

Then there is external agitation/conflict when he is not able to comprehend the reasoning behind any event that occours outside . These events can both involve other human beings or be with out other human beings. In both these cases not understanding the cause effect relationship agitates him and makes him uncomfortable. Here the physical body of the human being and the other physical matter are all interacting in multifarious ways.

The higher and more complicated conflict is when many individuals are involved with multiple internal conflicts.

All these situation are an outcome of the human creation. Not understanding is the root cause. This conflict has many commonalities and many nuances that are specific to the situation of each individual.

In the next articles we will keep oscillating between the current status of conflict and how it came into being from the permanent settlement age . this will be the story of around 10000 years of history as spelt out by Yuval Harari in his book Sapiens . The resolution of each facet of conflict will emerge from the correct diagnosis of that facet.



Anand Damani
Anand Damani

Written by Anand Damani

Serial Entrepreneur, Business Advisor and Philosopher of Coexistence. Being resolved and helping others find their truth. www.ananddamani.com RESOLUTION GURU

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