Rest as a concept needs clarity.

Anand Damani
6 min readJul 28, 2022


Rest is the continued orderly motion/activity with no friction/agitation. Being organised in the self and playing the designated role in the bigger system.

Take a look at the earth going around the Sun

That is at rest in orderly motion. Frictionless graceful movements that will go on forever. That is rest for eternity. All 3 motions in sync.




Now think of a hydrogen Atom.

Two subatomic particles.

One at the center doing spin motion.

And another particle in elliptical orbit along with the spin motion.

Formation of the atom creates festivity. The Hydrogen atom expresses festivity by dancing in an oscillating rhythm. The festivity of formation and that is the state of rest for the hydrogen atom.

Atoms is the basic building block for all the material world. They all are in orderly motion and that is rest. All matter exists and wants to just be. This is the expression of coexistence and festivity.

Similar states like solids, liquids and gases tend to go with each other.

Same way similar substances attract and move, to be together.

Being interconnected every element affects everything else. Everything else also affects the said element. Normal flowing air to a Tsunami everything is towards establishing orderly activity state.

Changing form is the process of reaching to the state of rest. The state of being and transforming as per physicochemical laws is their state of rest.

Human beings being sentient have so far studied the agitated state . The agitation is a movement in the direction of coming to rest. Being in rest is activity in an orderly fashion based on its nature and role in the whole ecosystem. This is the new study expressed here.

We human beings need to be doing human activities and that will be the state of rest for us. We are agitated whenever we are either angry or sad or jealous . We always move towards the state of rest when we are in harmony, resolved and at peace.

The state of being and transforming as per physicochemical laws is their state of rest.

For all of nature that is what is meant by the state of rest.I will help you see this state in everything that exists on this planet.After the material world let us look at plant kingdom

In the plant kingdom producing a seed to replicate itself is the state of rest. The starting block is the cell that can choose and process chemically. From sprouting, growing,fruition and decay is the state of rest. Selecting is the new activity they perform in addition to just being. Choosing the nutrients in required quantities and becoming stronger before decaying after producing the seeds to continue their species is the state of rest. All plants enrich the planet while at rest to pave the way for more evolution. In this process the plant kingdom has created many varieties and different forms suited to the environment from cactus to coniferous varieties.

In the plant kingdom producing a seed to replicate itself is the state of rest. The starting block is the cell that can choose and perform chemical activity . From sprouting, growing,fruition and decay is the state of rest. Selecting is the new activity they perform besides being. The plants choose the nutrients in required quantities . They grow and become stronger.They produce seeds and then decay. All plants enrich the planet while at rest to pave the way for more evolution. In this process the plant kingdom has created many varieties . There are different varieties suited to the environment from cactus to coniferous varieties.

Homo sapiens exhibit choice to give meaning to the activities in the outside world. The natural feeling helps them be in harmony and peaceful states. They will be agitated if their perception is based on false beliefs. Incorrect understanding learnt from culture also creates agitation.

We need to be aware of the capability to give meaning without agitating our state of harmony and rest. That is possible by having the complete knowledge of existential reality.

As we move up the evolutionary ladder and see the animal world, the will to live and procreate is the new activity we find . Moving around to be safe to continue to live is a state of rest for animals.. From flood to fire any detrimental atmosphere and they move away manifesting their will to live and survive. This will to survive is not there in the plant kingdom.

The animals in addition to continuing to being, nourishing by choosing from the various choices,growing, procreate, they manifest the will to live by freedom of movement.They still continue to do all that the plant kingdom and the material world does.

Thus the activities with state of rest so far are

Being and staying affected by and affecting other elements

Nourishing growing and decaying & replicating

Exhibiting will to live,nourishing,growing,procreating.

To sum up on this planet everything is in motion affecting and being affected by each other. That is their respective state of rest. A Full and rich planet with

all kinds of material,

various types of plants and

a variety of animals

was the prerequisite for the evolution of homo sapiens.

The material world exists and changes to form or decompose as per changes of the environment.

The plants have the freedom of choice to adapt and grow by choosing. The quality and quantity of what to consume from the environment is their freedom. They are at rest when doing that stuff.

The animal world has a new freedom to move around. From hatching of eggs to being within the body of the parent we see the increasing freedom.

Now for the human being understanding is the new innate trait that gets added. Every child that is born has the capacity to understand. Education is only possible because of this default trait. This is innate to every homo sapien and he is at rest with full understanding.At rest means being resolved. He also performs all the earlier activities. His activities are being, selecting,nourishing, moving,will to live and also understanding

Homo sapiens add sentience to the traits of the animals. They are different from animals. They are not content in surviving but want to understand and know the reality. The reality of of themself as well as everything else in existence. That is the way for them to be in the state of rest.

All that exists have rules which are innately embedded hardcoded hardwired into them.All that they do is exhibit the fixed finite traits they are supposed to be exhibiting. That coexistence with others is REST.

Performing human actions can mean ,Being in harmony Coexisting with everyone else and everything else as a species. That will be the minimum prerequisite for any human being to be at rest. The identification of human activity and inhuman activity will be the topic for the next article helping humanity to achieve the state of rest.



Anand Damani
Anand Damani

Written by Anand Damani

Serial Entrepreneur, Business Advisor and Philosopher of Coexistence. Being resolved and helping others find their truth. RESOLUTION GURU

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