To become human we do not need to perform any miracle; we simply need to understand and assimilate our existential reality.
We will always experience a shortage and a feeling of emptiness if we are not able to do that. Amassing wealth looks attractive but does not have an end point. Therefore it always ends as a mirage. Once we have the clarity that this has not worked for any human being thus far. This will never work for anyone. Therfore we move away from this vicious circle and on to the path of fulfillment. And then the act of accumulation gets transformed into need-based consumption. Making prudent and productive use of natural abundance for humanity. The understanding of existential reality starts. We begin to see the entanglement and interconnected completeness in every event being and every element .
This shift in focus leads us to introspection. We start to make use of our faculties to set our internal house in order. Slowly we move forward and get on the path of becoming human, understanding our role and the role of everything else. The glimpses of the purpose of existence become a regular feature of our lives pulling and pushing us on the path to enlightenment.
This methodology is much more complete and wholesome than all the traditional methods of meditation, renunciation or extreme consumption. This is a natural method which you can adopt in whatever stage of life or in whichever situation, age or country you may be residing in. This further paves the way for the internal faculties to become activated. You become energetic and feel fulfilled. You become simple, adaptable and easy going. You see goodness everywhere. Whatever activities you perform for your livelihood and otherwise become meaningful and your work morphs into enriching instead of exploiting. You slowly adapt, tweak and modify your lifestyle to move away from being exploited or exploiting.
This transition is akin to the way leaves fall of from the trees. All your incorrect inhibitions, assumptions and conclusions wither away one by one effortlessly.This path towards enlightenment is natural, smooth and painless.
Once this process is set in motion you are just merrily celebrating every moment of existence hoping from bliss to bliss as a butterfly moves from flower to flower. Every interaction begins to give you nectar just like the butterfly. Once you reach this state of enlightenment then your only goal becomes to help others get enlightened; nothing else is of interest to you.